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COVID 19 Statement


Covid-19 and other viruses are still present in the community and as a health professional I take the health and well-being of both my clients and myself very seriously. I have put in place guidelines for attending appointments. In order to stay open I must follow guidelines from Scottish Government, my professional bodies and my insurance company.

The most important thing is if you suspect that you have signs of Covid-19, even mild, please DO NOT attend your appointment, stay home if you feel unwell and follow current guidelines.

We will reschedule your appointment to when you are better, please drop me a message to say you are unwell. You will not be charged for a late cancellation if you suspect you have Covid-19.

These rules also apply if you have a sickness bug or flu, this is to keep everyone safe and allow me to continue to work.

I will also inform you if I become unwell.

Initial consultation paperwork will be sent out electronically to be filled in and sent back electronically before the first session.

You are not required to wear a face covering.

Hand washing facilities are available for you to use.

The bathroom will be cleaned on a regular basis.

Please bring water with you.

I will be cleaning and airing the room between clients and will try to leave space between clients to allow this to happen.

This statement will be updated as  required

Updated 11 July 2024

Updated 10 February 2024

Updated 18 March 2023

Updated 9 December 2022

Updated 21 July 2022